Aug 28, 2009

Fitness Challenge - Two Hundred Squats

Roni over at Roni's Weigh posted a great little fitness challenge - things you can do right at home, you already most likely know how to do, and you don't need any equipment other than yourself. Anyone interested?

I'm going to start with the squats challenege, but if anyone's interested in doing any others (or all three!), I'd love you to join me! Each challenge last six weeks and is designed to allow you to work up to the total numbers listed! You only need to commit to about a half hour every other day.

100 Pushups
200 Squats
(Initial test results - 30 = AVERAGE)
200 Sit-Ups

Two Hundred Squats

Some useful links:
Proper form - proper form for "air squats" or squats using no added weights
Squats PocketMod (printable booklet for tracking your progress)
Online progress log

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing this challenge and yesterday was W1D1 and it was rough! I'm doing all 3. I think I'm having the most problem with the situps! I like a challenege though. :)
