Feb 12, 2008

and what if there are no damsels in distress

A little update on some of the things I'm supposed to be blogging about:

Dating: Things are going well with the I-suppose-I-should-call-him-my-boyfriend-guy. I had a conversation with a 6-year old about him the other day. He wanted to know what his name is and if we are getting married. Without going into all the reasons why I don't want to get married in general, I just told him, "I don't know." I think that still kept him hopeful. And in return, I got to hear him tell me about his girlfriend too. More than a fair deal.

Quitting smoking: I've decided against the Wellbutrin. I was hesitant about it as it was, and in speaking to my crazy lady about it realized it's just not right for me now. Am going to work on the cognitive behavioral change effort and invest in some more Nicorette gum. But this time I'm going to buy the name-brand stuff that actually feels like gum and tastes minty instead of the generic stuff that is hard as rubber, tastes like burning erasers and make me want a cigarette instead.

Eating too much chocolate: Check. Oh, those Lindt truffles. Especially those Lindt truffles that can be bought in bulk so cheaply at the outlet store. They got me good today.

Hot actors: I'm crushing on Matt Damon currently. That Sarah Silverman video brought him back to mind. Those dimples...

And waking up and finally starting to be OK with being my most fabulous self: Will work on actually just waking up on time tomorrow. I'm supposed to be there early and we're having a snow storm. I'm trying to implement a bedtime for myself to get into a more regular sleep routine. My goal is to be in bed by 11:30 and shut the light off and go to sleep by 12:15. It's 12:03 right now. Oops.

Today I'm grateful for: fostering my creativity

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